मुफ्त AI कविता जनरेटर

विषय: you do your best but it was enough and now you are questioning myself did i do my best or not?

In shadows deep, where doubts reside,
I question all I've tried to hide.
Did I give my all, my very best?
Or falter in this endless quest?

Each step I took, with heart aflame,
Yet whispers haunt me all the same.
Could more have done, or was it fate,
That led me to this uncertain state?

The mirror's gaze, a silent stone,
Reflects a doubt I've always known.
I strive, I push, I reach for more,
But still, these questions gnaw and gnaw.

Perhaps it's not the what or how,
But finding peace within me now.
To know I gave my all, no less,
And let go of this doubt's caress.

So let me stand, both strong and true,
Believing in the best I do.
For in the end, as shadows part,
I find my answer in my heart.